



2024-07-20 17:35:31 来源:网络


用get on造句 -
She's ambitious and eager to get on(in die world).她雄心勃勃,迫切地想成功。How's your son getting on with his French?你儿子的法语学得好吗?I'm not getting on very fast with this job.我这份工作进展不太快。go [get] on [along] swimmingly 进行顺利[过着顺利的生活]ride [还有呢?
Let's get on.我们开始干吧。


用get on get off造句 -
get on 1.进展Everything was getting on very well.一切进行得很顺利。2.出人头地He's sure to get on in the world.他一定会出人头地。3.上车I got on the bus ten minutes ago.get off 动身They got off immediately after lunch.他们吃过午饭马上就动身了。2.免于受罚The boy 有帮助请点赞。
get on,the train is about to leave.,Let's get on.火车马上就要开了,咱们上车吧。head for Soem one likes to head for the beach to cool off.一些人喜欢到海滩来凉快凉快。pull over,Please pull over and stop over there.请靠边,在那儿停下来get off which station we should get等会说。
用几个英文单词造句 -
Let's get on with the work. 继续工作吧。Get on with your work. 继续你的工作吧。I am going to arrive in black. 我将会穿着黑衣服到达He is going to arrive in five minutes. 他将会在五分钟内到达。You have to work. 你要工作。I have to sleep. 我要睡觉。I want to take 希望你能满意。
Get on with your work. 继续你的工作吧。I am going to arrive in black. 我将会穿着黑衣服到达He is going to arrive in five minutes. 他将会在五分钟内到达。You have to work. 你要工作。I have to sleep. 我要睡觉。I want to take a trip to Greece. 我想去希腊。She wants 说完了。
用get on,get off,get up ,at last ,at first, wake up和all day and...
We got on the bus.He got off the train.He gets up at six every morning.He found his bag at last.At first I didn't know what had happened.He woke up and began to look for his mother.They worked all day and all night等会说。.
1、Let him say what he likes; I'll just get on with my work.他说他的,我干我的。2、People will talk, but you have to get on with your life.人们会有议论,但日子还得过下去。3、I'd better leave you to get on with it, then 那我还是让你一个人接着干吧。4、What are是什么。
get on (well) with造句 -
起立发言,病后身体复原he got on his feet to anwser the question he gets on his feet after two-day rest